I have been the worst blogger. To my three real-life friends who read this, as well as the French spam bots who love to comment this blog, well, you know I have a good excuse. But it’s unrelated to food and television, so here we are.
So, has anyone spoiled Game of Thrones for you yet this season? Excuse my language, but shit is going down in Westeros. I’ve been unspoiled and spoiled (thanks Twitter!). I knew things were gonna get good, because my friend Ben read of the books, but he’s also very nice about not spoiling the good parts (even if I ask what happens!).
Despite the title of this post, I’m not down to spoil anyone or go into detail about the show (that’s what late-night Wikipedia binges are for, my friends). Here are some gifs and memes that could be spoilers? I don’t even know anymore.
(The Jamie Lannister Lost Hand sock puppet is so wrong, but so right. It just kills me every time.)
I don’t read the books, but maybe I should since they apparently have rich descriptions of food and drink that they’ve spawned cookbooks.
From said cookbooks, my friends served up their second annual Game of Thrones premiere feast. Everything was so delicious! Including the locusts. Yeah, you read right. They were tasty in an insecty way.
I contributed Kings Landing’s own Sweetcorn Fritters from the cookbook, along with Lemon Bars, which is from the House of Ina Garten on Food Network. I just felt like making it and bringing it, because it’s one of my favorite desserts. I also brought some of the famous Game of Thrones beer by Ommegang.
Making the fritters was an interesting experience because I have an irrational fear of deep-fryers and hot oil – I’ve been burned before (literally). This time around, the oil actually jumped up and burned me right between the eyes. It hurt so much that I invested in a splatter guard the next day!
Otherwise, these fritters are really tasty. I thought they’d need some kind of sauce, but people seemed to really enjoy them on their own! Game of Thrones sure knows its food.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any other photos of the food or beer, so get used to seeing the above on in this post over and over. Bad blogger. C-. Do better next time.
Anyway, here’s the Sweetcorn Fritter recipe from the cookbook, as sent to me by Zach and Lauren. If you wanna make Lemon Bars, Ina Garten’s recipe is here.
[yumprint-recipe id=’9′]